Last week we took a Mexican visitor on a two day trip to the beautiful Sipi Falls. These falls found in the east of Uganda and rushing down on the side of Mount Elgon (not within the national park though). In the area of Sipi there are three big water-falls and our aim was to see them.
We started early in the morning from Kampala and reached Lacam lodge. Where we were to stay in time for lunch. The area is green and with stunning views. Directly after lunch we set off for a guided walk to experience the falls. The view point for the first fall we saw was just by our lodge and it only took us a short walk to see it. In this fall the water is falling freely straight down, a powerful and beautiful sight. After taking in the view and posing for pictures we were driven to the starting point of the walk to the next fall. Due to some rain just before we started this walk became a bit of a challenge. The prepared paths being slippery with mud.
We were happy to have our walking sticks to give some support. At first we walked through farmed land having fields of corn, cabbage and beans around us. Further on we walked in to what felt like a wild garden. Flowers and bushes seen at the sides of the path. As we came closer to the water-fall we could hear the roar of the water and getting even closer feel drops of water. We could now realise why the guide had recommended us to wear rain-coats. The path took us a bit up on a hill opposite the water-fall for a great view and we really got to experience the power of it with the sound and water drops reaching us.
Leaving the fall the guide lead us on another path through the farmer’s fields. And picked and brought to the last of the three big falls in Sipi Falls. A lodge built close to this fall so the starting point here was at that lodge. It was a short but steep walk on a path through green vegetation to reach the fall.
At this fall there is a cave behind the water-fall and you actually get to walk behind the fall and see the water flow down in front of you. It was a beautiful sight, like a curtain of water in front of us and the sun-rays reflecting in it. After more pictures and posing we set off for the walk back down to the car. Our Sipi falls walk combined with a village walk. Where we were shown how coffee is processed locally so that was our next stop before dinner. The next morning a relaxed breakfast taking in the view was enjoyed before starting off for the drive back to Kampala.