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Visit in Karamojong village – Community tourism

On the way to Kidepo Valley National Park our safari team took a break for some community tourism with a visit in a Karamojong village. The Karamojong people live in the north-east part of Uganda and are sharing the same roots as the Masaai of Kenya. They make their living as cattle herders and mostly still live in a traditional way. The traditional clothing is a blanket like cloth in patterns of black and red and the women make and wear beautiful bead-works. Sadly the Karamojong have become famous for their conflicts with the surrounding people and their cattle raids.  Today their part of Uganda is calmer than a few years ago and it is safe to travel through the area.


Our team was well received in the village and got to meet the people and see how they live. When arriving they were lucky to be treated to some singing by the local girls.

visit in Karamojong village
visit in Karamojong village
visit in Karamojong village
visit in Karamojong village
visit in Karamojong village

Culture in a Uganda safari

Do you like to learn more about the culture in the countries you visit? Then Uganda will fascinate you with its rich and varied culture. Uganda consists of many tribes that all have their own languages, dances and traditions. If culture is a special interest for you we can adapt the itinerary to include more community visits so that you get an insight into Uganda’s diverse cultures. This can include the Karamajong people mentioned above or the Batwa people who used to live in the forests of Uganda. Other options are a visit to Kasubi tombs that is a burial site for kings of the Buganda kingdom or a visit to Ndere Troops dance performance of cultural dances in Kampala. Let us know when we start that culture is a special interest for you and we suggest an itinerary for you.

Come for a Kidepo safari including a karamojong community visit with us.