On a recent off the beaten track safari our visitors taken to Semuliki National Park where they got to experience the Visiting hot springs. The park is located in the western part of Uganda, bordering the Democratic Republic of Congo, and it is one of Uganda’s less visited national parks. It includes East Africa’s only lowland tropical forest that is recognized for its rich birdlife. The park known for the two Sempaya hot springs, one male called Bintente and one female called Nyasimbi. The idea that they are male and female comes from the Bamaga clan’s folk lore; they believe that their female ancestors live under Nyasimbi and their male ancestors under Bintente.
Our visitors went on a guided walk in the park to see the Visiting hot springs. The female spring dominated by a geyser that sprays water to a height of up to 2 meters and the male spring is a pool of hot water. The walk to the springs took them through beautiful nature. The temperature of the water in both springs reaches 100 degrees Celsius and well known that you can cook food in the springs. Our visitors tested this and successfully boiled eggs in the water.